ISPS Code Implementation

ISPS Code Implementation

BRITISH BULKERS is committed to providing the appropriate security guidance, advice, documentation and necessary resources in order to meet its security objectives and fully comply with the requirements of the ISPS code.

Our Security Management System
The Company has established and implemented on board a Security Management System, detailed in the Ship Security Plan, in order to ensure that the Company Security Officer and the Master / Ship Security Officer are given the necessary guidance and support to fulfill their duties & responsibilities in accordance with SOLAS XI-2 and the ISPS code. Procedures are designed to prevent any unlawful act likely to jeopardise the safety and security of people and property.

All vessels managed by British Bulkers are provided with specific Ship Security Plans, approved by recognized Organisations and they are all carrying International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC) issued by the Class NK on behalf of the relevant Flag Administrations in full compliance with the ISPS Code requirements.

Our Philosophy
Our philosophy towards the ISPS code is to promote security awareness amongst all employees and designate appropriate senior staff with overall responsibility for security within the company and individual ships. In addition every visitor, Inspector, supplier and any third party seeking to board our ships, is also required to fully comply with the SSP following the guidance and instructions of the designated crew on board.

By maintaining global Security awareness, we are constantly collecting and evaluating security briefs at high risk ports and in high risk areas in order to establish essential safeguards to reduce the risk to crew, visitors, ships and property in general.